Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

I am writing this post in honor of  my earth mom. There is not a better mother on the planet (if I do say so myself). Ever since I was a little girl, I new my mom was a place to take refuge, find comfort and glean strength from; my mom truly is the definition of strength. She has overcome
more than many can even fathom. She has risen up to challenges, stepped over obstacles and saved herself from disaster time and again, and always with another joke up her sleeve or a smile to save the day.

I remember times during my awkward, pre-teen/teenage years that I would come home from school or be heading to school and my mom would hand over a picture she colored for me (she worked at a middle school at the time:)) or give me a letter that she had written me, just to say she was there for me. My mother is the queen of letting you know she cares, loves you and that she will always be there, and it was during this time, a time where many push their parents away, that I drew closer to my mom.

The greatest things about my mother are that she is free of judgment, she is accepting, she listens, she lets you be you, she respects you as a person separate from her and by being around her, you become more positive and feel uplifted. I love that my mom and I talk about everything. I love we make each other laugh. I love that she inspires me to one day be a mother EXACTLY like her. I love that she is the girlfriend I run to for a 100% judgement free perspective.

Many people are put on this earth for many things, and I have said it many times, that my mom was put on this earth to be a mom. She is BRILLIANT at it and I know God gifted her with the precise ability; it is innate in her, it is baggage free and it is unconditional.

I love you, mama. Forever and ever. Thank you for always dusting yourself off, changing in any way you have ever needed to and sacrificing for Jonathan and I. We have all that we do because you have loved us well, because you taught us the love of Jesus and because you have always tried to live that example out everyday. You are the BOMB!


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